A bird-watching guidebook provides information on over one thousand bird-watching sites across the U.S. and Canada, describing their locations, the best times to visit, birds of interest, and facilities.
Life - list western form south - eastern form yellow - spotted form Star Finch 306 Red - browed Firetail 306 Painted Firetail 306 Diamond Firetail 306 Red - eared Firetail 306 Beautiful Firetail 306 308 Double - barred Finch white ...
The Birdwatcher's Companion
Dudley and the Birdman
LESSER AND GREATER YELLOWLEGS Tringa melanoleuca and flavipes 8 34 ” & 11 ” These are two shorebird species that have distinctive bright yellow legs : the greater and lesser yellowlegs . Their shapes , colors , and habitats are so ...
This book is the story of their great expedition, searching for birds from Ecuador to Ethiopia via Argentina, Australia and Arizona.
Best Birdwatching Sites in North Wales
How to talk to birds and other uncommon ways of enjoying nature the year round.
... Woodrow Goopaster 39 , 40b , d , 410,43d , 45e , 46 , 47a , 53b , c , d , 60c , d ; Tom Hall 2 , 3 , 7a , 10 , 19b , c , 200 , 290 , 54a , 54b , 56b , 57a , 58a , 58c , e , f , 59a , 59e , 40c , 51 , 560 , 59c ; Eric Hosking 8a ...
Dunn , J. 1976c . Field notes : The identification of pipits . Western Tanager 42 ( 3 ) : 5 . Dunn , J. 1977a . Field notes : Female grosbeaks . Western Tanager 43 ( 6 ) : 5 . Dunn , J. 1977b . Field notes : The genus Empidonax .
General facts and descriptions about the birds that inhabit the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, Canada. Includes information about birds, their classification, nest, flight patterns and migration.