Viva Hollywood: The Legacy of Latin and Hispanic Artists in American Film

Viva Hollywood: The Legacy of Latin and Hispanic Artists in American Film
Turner Classic Movies
Luis I. Reyes


Through an authoritative narrative and lavish photography, this is an in-depth history of the stars, films, achievements, and influence of the Hispanic and Latinx community in Hollywood history from the silent era to the present day. Overcoming obstacles of prejudice, ignorance, and stereotyping, an ethnic minority in the American film industry has given the world some of its most beloved stars and told some of its most indelible stories. Viva Hollywood examines the stars in front of the screen as well as the people behind-the-scenes who have created a rich legacy across more than 100 years. The book covers the films and careers of actors ranging from silent screen idol Antonio Moreno to international Oscar-winning actor Anthony Quinn to current screen stars such as Andy Garcia and Antonio Banderas. The evolving role of Latin women on screen is explored through the films and careers of Dolores Del Rio, Rita Hayworth, Raquel Welch, and present-day stars Salma Hayek and Penélope Cruz. Discussion of craftspeople who elevated the medium with their artistry shine a spotlight on visionaries like cinematographer John Alonzo, Citizen Kane scenic artist Mario Larrinaga, and Oscar-winning makeup artist Beatrice de Alba. The story begins with the community viewed through a lens of stereotyped on-screen personas of Latin Lovers, sexy spitfires, banditos, and gangsters. World War II saw an embrace of Latin culture as the "Good Neighbor Policy" made it both fashionable and patriotic to feature stories set south of the border. Social problem films of the 1950s and '60s brought fresh looks at Latinx people, with performances like Katy Jurado in High Noon, the cast of West Side Story (leading to an Oscar for Rita Moreno), and racial inequality depicted in George Stevens's sweeping drama Giant. Civil Rights and the Chicano Movement influenced further change in Hollywood in subsequent decades and paved the way for modern times and stars the likes of Jennifer Lopez and Lin-Manuel Miranda. Illustrated by more than 200 full-color and black-and-white images, Viva Hollywood explores these touchpoints and many more across 100+ years of cinema history.

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