Savor your dinner ; then catch a taxi to the Cafe Carlyle in time for the 10:45 P.M. late show . No tribute to Irving Berlin and his compatriots would be complete without a late - night visit to the Cafe Carlyle ( in the Hotel Carlyle ...
Young Love is Karen Rosetzsky's first book, and as the title would suggest, is all about... 'young love'.
Pomander Walk between 33rd and 34th Streets is a rather English - looking mews , while Cox's Row , the name given to the bank of houses on N Street between 33rd and 34th , is a sterling example of Federal row houses .
Leah is in love. It should be the happiest summer of her life, but she can't help feeling lonely with Jake's attention divided between her, his ex-wife and his young...
Painfully funny plays set in 1970s suburbia from one of the UK's leading playwrights.
Each couple featured throughout this book has provided a piece of what is now a precise roadmap for nurturing the ongoing evolution of loving.
A good place to start is the Occidental Mall between South Main and South Jackson streets , where you spent time earlier today . One of the best - respected and oldest galleries here is the upstairs Foster / White Gallery ( 31142 ...
Assets and Debts Within Couples
nia Avenue NW , $ - $$ , 118 $$ , 78 , 153 Belmont Kitchen , 2400 18th Street NW , $ - $$ , 30 Blue Plate , 2002 P Street NW , $ , 21 Cashion's Eat Place , 1819 Columbia Road NW , $ - $$ , 31 Corcoran Cafe , 500 17th Street NW , $ ...
This book presents young couples with foundational truths on which to build their financial lives.