Whatever you do when you travel, get off the interstate. Who needs more bland rest stops and fast food? Get into the heart of things with Globe Pequot's Off the Beaten Path series.
Slowly , in a maddeningly random ballet , a drake and a hen swam nearer the blind , then feinted to one side , only to round again and paddle toward them . When they came within about twelve feet , the drake beginning to cross in front ...
... 9 Norton , 138 Parks and Lakes Clinton Lake , 18 Douglas County State Lake , 14 Glen Elder Reservoir / Waconda Lake , 142 John Redmond Lake , 50 Kanopolis Lake and State Park , 126 Kirwin Lake , 139 Lake Coldwater , 118 Marion Lake ...
“ Then , by all means , order roast chicken at Glori - Lee's tonight . She's an excellent cook . " He turned around . " Are you saying I'm not invited to eat with the children ? " 11 I " ' That's what I'm saying .
PERRY. WILDLIFE. AREA. 10,984 acres • Region 2 • A mile and a half north, one mile west of Valley Falls. • Upland Birds: Pheasant, bobwhite quail, mourning dove • Waterfowl: Ducks and geese • The Perry Lake Project is an impoundment on ...
William Jennings Bryan Oleander's Guide to Kansas: How You Know when You're Here
The Doctor's Wife by Cheryl St.John released on Aug 25, 1999 is available now for purchase.
Second Chance Bride When Daniel Gardner convinced the residents of his Kansas boomtown to advertise for mail-order brides, he never expected the woman he once loved to respond. But Leah...
Chapter 7 oc G abriel worked in his fields , rooting out the blasted , stubborn stands of wild mustard and sunflowers that insisted on sprouting right in the middle of his wheat , and cursed Anthea Bright with each whack of his hoe .
... Swineford Wichita — Wichita Chamber of Commerce Aircraft factory - Beech Aircraft Coleman plant - Coleman Company Gypsum Hills — Ada Swineford Rock City - KDED Irrigation Garden City Daily Telegram Castle Rock KDED Stone fence posts ...
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