This guide details the rich history, culture, geography, and flora and fauna of Alaska's Inside Passage.
The unique features of the book include: In-depth information about how wildlife coexists with the environment Detailed discussions of mammals, birds, fish, invertebrates, fungi, and plants Detailed map of wilderness areas in Southeast ...
This eighth edition of Alaska's Southeast provides the most up-to-date information on Alaska's Inside Passage, a land of cascading glaciers and forested islands.
Use this guide as the definitive source for your Alaska travels and: view bald eagles, grizzly bears, and humpback whales in their natural habitats; learn how to "read" Native totem poles; hike the historic Chilkoot Trail; soak in natural ...
Alaska's Southeast: Touring the Inside Passage
Southeast, Alaska's Panhandle
Whether you want to understand the forces that shaped the state of Alaska, or you want to learn the basics of glacial movement, this compact, authoritative book is for you.
Alaska in Transition: the Southeast Region
Plants, animals and habitats of the coast and mountains of southeastern Alaska.
A comprehensive field guide to native ferns, trees, shrubs, grasses, sedges, rushes and herbs found in Southeast and South-central Alaska. Includes: Detailed line drawings for all species Plant descriptions for...
A naturalist's guide to landform interpretation in Southeast Alaska