As a world-ending war surges to life around them, Todd and Viola face monstrous decisions, questioning all they have ever known as they try to step back from the darkness and find the best way to achieve peace.
In this sourced work, Dr. Farrell brings up the possibility that Earth may have been occupied by a race of tyrannical giants.
Part two of the literary sci-fi thriller follows a boy and a girl who are caught in a warring town where thoughts can be heard – and secrets are never safe.
Hollywood's Masters of Illusion and F/X Cinema is illusion, and the 12 masters of magic to be found in this book are the best to be found in Hollywood.
Of Men and Monsters
The award-winning Chaos Walking trilogy—consisting of The Knife of Never Letting Go, The Ask and the Answer, and Monsters of Men— is now available in its entirety in this e-book collection!
But Mr. Stubborn, although he has had quite a few close encounters with them, will swear he has never, ever seen a monster nor are there any monsters in this book!
Revolutionary Monsters explores basic questions about the revolutionary personality, and examines how these revolutionaries came to envision themselves as prophets of a new age.
In Cold Blood examiners of Lowell Lee Andrews produce a diagnosis of "schizophrenia, simple type," and by "simple," Capote tells us, "the diagnosticians meant that Andrews suffered no delusions, no fake perceptions, no hallucinations, ...
In this dramatic short story -- a prequel to the award-winning Chaos Walking Trilogy -- author Patrick Ness gives us the story of Viola's journey to the New World.
Discusses monsters, real and unreal, which man believed or still believes inhabit the Americas.