Dr. Jan Louise Jones, Southern Connecticut State University --Book Jacket.
Tribal people do not make the same sharp distinction between work and leisure that more technologically advanced ... Thus, in the aristocracy of the first civilizations that developed in the Middle East during the five millennia before ...
FUNCTION 6: STRENGTHENING NEIGHBORHOOD AND COMMUNITY TIES Purpose: To strengthen neighborhood and community life by involving ... One example of the group's impact since its inception over a decade ago was saving 150 acres of land from ...
Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society
Recreation & Leisure
Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society, Eleventh Ed
Student Note-taking Guide to Accompany Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society, Seventh Edition
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. van der Smissen, B., Moiseichik, M., Hartenburg, V.J., & Twardzik, ... Retrieved from http://www.stateparks.org/about-us/state-park-facts/ Balmford, A., Beresford, J., Green, J., Naidoo, ...
Molnar, D.J., and A.J. Rutledge. 1992. Anatomy of a park. 2nd ed. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. Morgan, D.L. 1998. Planning focus groups. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Motionsoft Club Management Software. 2008.
Recreation Facility Management, Second Edition With HKPropel Access, is the fundamental text for students and new professionals who will manage a recreational facility.
Throughout the text, there are activities, projects, and examples to help students connect competencies to real-world situations. Leisure Services Management begins by presenting a firm foundation of competency-based management.