Introduction to Human Disease, Sixth Edition, is a clearly written, user friendly, profusely illustrated book that takes a systems approach to presenting human disease. Specifically designed for students in the allied health and nursing fields, this edition correlates structure and function disturbances and indicates how the disturbances cause the clinical manifestations of the various diseases and guide treatment. Though vastly updated, the text is still organized into two main sections: the first covers general concepts and diseases that affect the body as a whole; the second takes a systems approach which details disorders typically affecting specific organ systems.The Sixth Edition comes with a student workbook at no additional cost to your students! It has 27 chapters that each contain a chapter outline, study questions of various types, transparency images, and a note-taking guide.Current News Articles from Reuters Health Information!This site is an excellent resource for the latest news and developments in the field of human disease for both students and instructors.