Spirituality in Nursing: Standing on Holy Ground

Spirituality in Nursing: Standing on Holy Ground
Spirituality in Nursing
Jones & Bartlett Learning
Mary O'Brien


A new and updated version of this best-selling resource! Jones and Bartlett Publisher's 2011 Nurse's Drug Handbook is the most up-to-date, practical, and easy-to-use nursing drug reference! It provides: Accurate, timely facts on hundreds of drugs from abacavir sulfate to Zyvox; Concise, consistently formatted drug entries organized alphabetically; No-nonsense writing style that speaks your language in terms you use everyday; Index of all generic, trade, and alternate drug names for quick reference. It has all the vital information you need at your fingertips: Chemical and therapeutic classes, FDA pregnancy risk category and controlled substance schedule; Indications and dosages, as well as route, onset, peak, and duration information; Incompatibilities, contraindications; interactions with drugs, food, and activities, and adverse reactions; Nursing considerations, including key patient-teaching points; Vital features include mechanism-of-action illustrations showing how drugs at the cellular, tissue, or organ levels and dosage adjustments help individualize care for elderly patients, patients with renal impairment, and others with special needs; Warnings and precautions that keep you informed and alert.

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