This is a companion volume to the authors' excellent book of last year, The Four Winds Guide to Indian Artifacts. In this new book, over 800 color photographs of trade goods to American Indians over the last hundred and fifty years, and more, are featured. These important cultural relics of American history are avidly collected today by museums and enthusiastic individuals alike. Trade beads, frontier goods, military goods, stone relics, photographs, paper goods, and modern replicas of some of the best items are identified in great detail, and the actual auction estimates and prices realized are included in the captions. The authors are traders at the Four Winds Indain Trading Post in St. Ignatius, Montana. Here they have gained over fifty years of experience with authenic goods, and they conduct annual mail/phone/fax auctions which have established the values recorded here. You cannot find a more accurate reference.
一个百宝箱深埋于不知名的太平洋小岛,历经几代人尚未被挖掘,掀起一帮歹徒的占有欲,穷凶极恶,不择手段。艺术学院学生南希是一位金发女郎,以其勇敢、沉着、机智及聪明的 ...
The latest reference book by the expert couple features 50,000 accurate prices; hundreds of factory marks and logos; helpful advice on buying, selling, and preserving antiques; and a picture dictionary....
... today much prized by collectors . contemporaries such as Charles Dickens , Anthony Trollope and , later , Thomas Hardy . ... The illustrations by John Tenniel , some based on Carroll's drawings , are held in as much popular ...
一個百寶箱深埋於不知名的太平洋小島,歷經幾代人尚未被挖掘,掀起一幫歹徒的佔有慾,窮凶極惡,不擇手段。 ...
绿于阳,封地在阳的明代一代藩王——阳王朱相关。朱是明仁朱炽的五子,亲是诚孝昭皇后张,也是明朱基的。朱生于明成永乐年(1406 年),永乐二十二年(1424年)授封王。年(1429年)藩湖长,正统元年(1436年)徙湖阳。自此,王一支便落地阳衍,历七代8 王,分别为宪、、 ...
以陽,封地在陽的明代一代王——陽王朱墡相。朱墡是明仁朱的五子,是昭皇后,也是明朱基的。朱墡生明成永年(1406 年),永二十二年(1424年)授封王。德年(1429年)湖沙,正元年(1436年)徙湖陽。自此,王一支便地陽衍,歷代8 王,分別為、、簡、、、、、忠等王。
In this first-of-a-kinf referencek, more than 8,000 Broadway and film soundtracks are listed alphabetically, with complete current pricing for each. Also includes a composer/conductor index, cast index, and valuable tips...
The Official Price Guide to Collectible Records