Stories of UFO sightings from the earliest recorded history to the modern Midwestern United States. Are we alone in the universe? Are UFOs real? Baker help you examine the UFO phenomenon, from the earliest annals of recorded history to the multiplicity of sightings and contacts that occur daily in the Midwest and beyond.
UFO Eminent Discovery Volume 1 and Volume 2 provide unexpected answers to some of the deepest questions that have plagued humankind since our very beginning. John tells the story just like it happened.
UFO Eminent Discovery Volume 1 and Volume 2 provide unexpected answers to some of the deepest questions that have plagued humankind since our very beginning. John tells the story just like it happened.
This new edition of The UFO Phenomenon is a discovery of the nature of apparitions, the history of secret American aerospace technologies, the mythology of progress, and the role of popular culture in defining experienced reality.
UFO encounters & beyond explores case histories of unexplained sightings, close encounters, abduction accounts and other strange phenomena.
Chris Rutkowskis name is synonymous with UFO research the world over, and this book captures his most breathtaking research, along with new and exciting accounts, that will have you questioning "are we alone in the universe?
Beyond Earth: Man's Contact with UFO's
Through detailed testimony from credible witnesses and insight from those in the psychological, academic, and scientific fields, Somewhere in the Skies: A Human Approach to the UFO Phenomenon weaves together a story of stories, attempting ...
" Flying Saucers: The Mysterious History of the UFO Phenomenon looks at the unidentified flying object craze.
... In Extraordinary Contact, Debra shares with the reader her close-up and personal experiences with UFOs, poltergeists, the afterlife, Electronic Voice Phenomena, premonitions, synchronicities, and non-human entities"--Page 4 of cover.
This book is the serious work of a professional aerospace engineer.