Presents a subject review, sample questions and answers, and three practice exams.
The best way to develop this trust is to practice the techniques and convince yourself that they work . But you have to practice them properly . If you try our techniques on the practice questions in most popular SAT - coaching books ...
Includes example problems, detailed solutions for all questions, comprehensive reviews, contains all the math knowledge you will need for PSAT, strategies based on feedback from real students. --
Cracking the New SAT and PSAT, 1994: With Diagnostic Test on Disk for Macintosh
This book covers everything test-takers need to know, and offers the most advanced SAT techniques ever created.
Completely revised and updated, this handbook reflects all the changes in the new SAT test while continuing to offer the tips and strategies that help students perform their high-scoring best.
Starting in October, Juniors will be taking the revised PSAT and in March of 1994, Seniors will take the new SAT. Armed with the new Princeton Review techniques for acing the test, they should have no problem getting high scores.
Cracking the SAT and PSAT 1997: With Sample Tests
Cracking the SAT and PSAT: With Sample Tests on CD-ROM, 1997 Edition
SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is a registered trademark of the College Board, which does not endorse this book.
Cracking the SAT and PSAT, 1996