Praying the Name of Jesus: The Ancient Wisdom of the Jesus Prayer

Praying the Name of Jesus: The Ancient Wisdom of the Jesus Prayer
Jesus prayer
Wilfried Stinissen


Finding the time to pray in today's fast-paced world can be difficult. The Jesus Prayer, simple in design but rich in content, may be your solution. A sign of hope and beacon of light in an age of uncertainty, this short prayer brings into vivid focus the new life granted by the Holy Spirit. Wilfrid Stinissen traces the evolution of the Jesus Prayer from its beginnings in the words of Scripture and tradition of the Desert Fathers, through Christianity's expansion, and into the third millennium. He shows how this prayer summarizes the essence of the Gospel, bring the body and heart closer to Christ. Praying the Name of Jesus includes the complete text of the classic introduction to the Jesus Prayer written by Archimandrite Lev Gillet. Together, these words point the way toward a richer, fuller prayer life.

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