Contains sixty portraits of men and women who played significant roles during the Civil War years as soldiers, photographers, politicians, nurses, spies, diarists, drummer boys, and powder monkeys; each accompanied by an explanatory essay.
Edward Young McMorries, History of the First Regiment, Alabama Volunteer Infantry, C.S.A. (Montgomery, Ala: Brown Printing, 1904), 30–32. 13. ... Edwin L. Drake, ed., The Annals of the Army of Tennessee (Jackson, Tenn.
Bearss, Edwin C. and Grabau, Warren. The Battle of Jackson, and Bearss, Edwin C. The Siege of Jackson. Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1981. Brown, D. Alexander. "Grierson's Raid," Civil War Times Illustrated, III ( January 1965): 4-32.
The Civil War. Historians call it the first modern war. Men and boys marched by the thousands and tens of thousands into a conflict that would change the way wars...
According to the historian Kathleen Collins, “These schools were the first in the South to be supported by taxation.” See Collins, “Portraits of Slave Children,” p. 187. See Mark Dunkelman, Gettysburg's Unknown Soldier: The Life, Death, ...
Boston : Little , Brown , 1998 . Turner , William A. Even More Confederate Faces . Orange , Va . ... Hoobler , James A. Nashville : From the Collection of Carl and Otto Giers . 2 vols . Charleston , S.C .: Arcadia , 1999–2000 .
They settled close to Pottawatomie Creek, south of Lawrence near the town of Osawatomie, where those who favored slavery lived side by side with those who opposed it. Although Brown impressed locals with his zeal, he was a secondary ...
Compiled from the collections of the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery, these depictions include those of Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, John S. Mosby, George Armstrong Custer, and many others who were painted, ...
From the first Georgians to march north to fight under Robert E. Lee, through the Battle of Chickamauga, the Atlanta Campaign, the March to the Sea, and the awful conditions...
BENJAMIN M. Palmer copy print Politicians were not alone in their strident support of secession following Lincoln's election . Ministers like B. M. Palmer , pastor of the First Presbyterian church in New Orleans , became leaders of ...
With over 240 photographs, maps, and related documents, McCaslin details the physical and spiritual suffering of the ordinary recruit in his fight for his country, its land, and his family's way of life.