In this new edition of his acclaimed study of American poverty, Harrell Rodgers carefully analyzes the most recent data on the profile of poor families and the underlying causes of the dramatic increase in chronically poor, mother-only households. After evaluating the record of past anti-poverty efforts, Rodgers examines the many new and proposed approaches to welfare reform, their prospects of success, and the consequences of failure - both for the children of poverty and for a nation that leaves such a high proportion of its citizenry, its future, at risk.
A look at the current plight of women and children in the United States draws on interviews with women of all races, ethnic groups, and economic backgrounds
Poor Women, Poor Families: The Economic Plight of America's Female-headed Households
A Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty reviews the research on linkages between child poverty and child well-being, and analyzes the poverty-reducing effects of major assistance programs directed at children and families.
Over a span of five years, [the authors] talked in-depth with 162 low-income single moms ... to learn how they think about marriage and family. [This book] offers an intimate look at what marriage and motherhood mean to these women and ...
Using a wide range of research methods, including in-depth interviews, focus groups, small-scale surveys, and analysis of personnel records, the book explores different aspects of women’s poverty since the passage of the 1986 welfare ...
This is the term that Greg Duncan uses in his book Years of Poverty, Years of Plenty (Ann Arbor, MI; Survey Research Center, 1984). 3. In regard to these data, Tom Joe and Cheryl Rogers commented that the percentage of ever-poor ...
The first book to study women's poverty over the life course, this wide-ranging collection focuses on the economic condition of single mothers and single elderly women--while also considering partnered women and immigrants--in eight wealthy ...
It is even more urgent and relevant today when the world is facing the covid-19 pandemic as it was two decades ago, when four women rose to prominent positions as ministers in charge of international development in their governments.Ending ...
In this new edition, focusing on the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Sidel reevaluates our social policy, assessing the impact of the "end of welfare as we know it" on America's poor, ...
Poor Women, Powerful Men is the first book-length account of the Louisiana experiment. In a clear and dispassionate voice, Ward demonstrates that many of the questions raised by the experiment persist.