Accountable Marketingis designed to be the definitive volume on the emerging role of accountability and performance metrics in marketing. Sponsored and developed by the Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB), it provides a multi-disciplinary, international perspective on this topic of critical importance. Stewart and Gugel have curated the work of several leading marketing, finance and accounting professionals and academics on the topics of marketing accountability and financial reporting to create a volume that represents the best of MASB's work over the last few years. The book not only emphasizes the importance of accountability in the marketing function, but also creates a dialogue among academics and practitioners about the importance of marketing in driving consistent growth in the organization, and the ways in which improved methods for measuring and forecasting contribute to the effectiveness of these marketing activities. This book marks the first-ever reference point for practicing professionals, faculty and students interested in marketing accountability, the development of standards for marketing reporting, and developing stronger linkages between marketing activities and outcomes, and the financial performance of the firm.
This custom title is published for La Trobe University.
M: Marketing
... David W. , 51 , 184 , 485 Crawford , C. Merle , 495 , 511 Crutchfield , Richard S. , 146 Cundiff , Edward W. ... Barnett , 102 Greyser , Stephen A. , 372 Griffin , Clare E. , 500 Grikscheit , Gary M. , 485 Gross , Charles W.
This is an example of : selective distribution b . intensive distribution exclusive distribution d . dual distribution intermediary distribution C. e . al a . 11. Rolls Royce has a restrictive policy of only establishing one or two ...
How to Develop Successful Marketing Strategies: Understanding, Developing and Managing the Process
... Cambrian College Gerard Edwards , Douglas College Gus Cameron , Fanshawe College Scott Follows , Acadia University Gloria Darroch , Northern Alberta Linda Hoffman , NAIT Institute of Technology Marina Jaffey , Camosun College Susan ...
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