This reference offers the most complete and authoritative resource on one of the most critical issues in the world today. Articles cover the broad sweep of political violence throughout history; groups, causes, and incidents in countries and regions across the globe; underlying issues of definition and viewpoint; the tactics, methods, and aim of modern terrorists; and approaches to counter-terrorism.
Examines how the events of September 11 unified most Americans and analyzes how a small number of intellectuals, writers, members of the media, and academics questioned the U.S. response to the attacks and America's own culpability.
. .Quantum Lens is a smart, roller-coaster-ride of a thriller crammed with intriguing concepts readers will be contemplating long after they've read the last page.
"Un agente del FBI y un activista enfrentados en la novela más dramática y humana sobre el terrorismo"--Cover.
The anger left behind from the Easter Rebellion executions paved the way for Michael Collins ' war for independence against the Brits . “ Collins was brilliant at guerrilla warfare and forced the Brits to the bargaining table .
See , for example , E. MacDonald , D.E. Georges - Abeyie , and S. Aust , The Baader - Meinhof Group : The Inside Story of a Phenomenon , trans . by Anthea Bell ( London , 1985 ) ; L. de ... Weinberg and Eubank , op . cit . , 255 . 40.
Nora Bensahel of RAND explains that charting short-term trends in insurgent violence can be very misleading, hence we should measure progress against them with different yardsticks. See Commentary, "Gauging Counterinsurgency," Baltimore ...
... V.F. , 131 Blair , Bruce G. , 24 Blischtschenko , I.P. , 25 Blum , Yehuda Z. , 25 Bochikarvov , V. , 197 Bonanate ... Gorry D. , 24 Brousse , Marjorie Ann , 5 Browne , Marjorie A. , 180 Buckley , Alan D. , 27 Burton , Anthony M.
In response to the governmental, military, scholarly, and public need for a detailed and accurate compendium of international terrorist incidents and trends in worldwide terrorist activity, RAND annually publishes a chronology of ...
In response to the governmental, military, scholarly, and public need for a detailed and accurate compendium of international terrorist incidents and trends in worldwide terrorist activity, RAND annually publishes a chronology of ...
“ Seattle Times June 20 , 2006 : 1. ( accessed June 29 , 2006 ) . Gamson , William A. , David Croteau , William Hoynes , and Theodore Sasson . 1992.