As an old proverb puts it, Two Jews, three opinions. In the long, rich, tumultuous history of the Jewish people, this characteristic contentiousness has often been extended even unto Heaven. Arguing with God is a highly original and utterly absorbing study that skates along the edge of this theological thin ice--at times verging dangerously close to blasphemy--yet also a source of some of the most poignant and deeply soulful expressions of human anguish and yearning. The name Israel literally denotes one who wrestles with God. And, from Jacob's battle with the angel to Elie Wiesel's haunting questions about the Holocaust that hang in the air like still smoke over our own age, Rabbi Laytner admirably details Judaism's rich and pervasive tradition of calling God to task over human suffering and experienced injustice. It is a tradition that originated in the biblical period itself. Abraham, Moses, Elijah, and others all petitioned for divine intervention in their lives, or appealed forcefully to God to alter His proposed decree. Other biblical arguments focused on personal or communal suffering and anger: Jeremiah, Job, and certain Psalms and Lamentations. Rabbi Laytner delves beneath the surface of these blasphemies and reveals how they implicitly helped to refute the claims of opponent religions and advance Jewish doctrines and teachings.
... Modern Judaism 6 : 2 ( May 1986 ) , 197-210 ; Chaim Waxman , Messianism , Zionism and the State of Israel ' , Modern Judaism 7 : 2 ( May 1987 ) , 175-92 ; Shubert Spero , ' Does Traditional Jewish Messianism Imply Inevitability ?
All that happens to those whom God has justified is filtered not through His anger but through God's love . A PROMISE OF RELEASE New Testament places God's expression of His wrath with the future , describing a time at history's end ...
Designed as a week-end retreat with follow-up meetings, this book is based on covenant theology, and gives couples an opportunity to work through relationship issues and make good marriages even better.
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Gentry and Wellum present a thoughtful and viable alternative to both covenant theology and dispensationalism. Second edition features updated and revised content, clarifying key material and providing up-to-date research.
"Examines covenants in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and demonstrates that God's covenant with His people is everlasting, from the beginning of time until its fulfillment at the Second Coming"--
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Der eine Gott: christlicher Monotheismus des Bundes und der Schöpfung
"In this thought-provoking book, five celebrated leaders in Judaism, representing a broad spectrum of contemporary Jewish experience, reinterpret Jewish life, re-envision its institutions, and re-imagine its future in the shadow of the ...