Examines the life and career of cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead, including her time as president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Traces the life of the influential and controversial anthropologist, describes how she became interested in anthropology, and assesses her contributions to the field
Describes the life and career the the anthropoligist, including her childhood in Pennsylvania, her tutelage under Franz Boas, and her fieldwork in the South Pacific.
This book makes a case for Margaret Mead's contributions to education discourses, which in retrospect appear visionary and profoundly democratic, non judgemental and transdisciplinary, and for their relevance for education today at primary, ...
" This edition, prepared for the centennial of Mead's birth, features introductions by Helen Fisher and Mead's daughter, Mary Catherine Bateson.
... and Brenda Silver's interpretation of the British literary icon, Virginia Woolf,8 my aim is to understand what Margaret Mead came to represent to the American public and why she was embraced by so many people, to such a great extent ...
Margaret Mead: The Complete Bibliography 1925–1975
Starting with six - year - olds would be harder , with twelve - year - olds , harder still . Starting with eighteen - year ... But of course starting with the two - year - olds really means beginning with those who will start them off .
Ruth left me last night at Williams and in three hours I shall be in Los Angeles and see Uncle Leland, I hope. We had gorgeous weather all the way across the desert, almost cold, even in the day time. For the last two years Margaret had ...
Thus, it was major news in 1983, five years after her death, when Derek Freeman, a New Zealand–born anthropologist, published Margaret Mead and x Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth, a Foreword by Paul S. Boyer.
A biography, stressing the understanding and tolerance, of an anthropologist who did extensive studies of primitive cultures.