The truth is that you can defeat your fears. With more than forty simple, effective techniques, you'll learn how to overcome every conceivable kind of anxiety without medication. Are you plagued by fears, phobias, or panic attacks? Do you toss and turn at night with a knot in your stomach, worrying about your job, your family, work, your health, or relationships? Do you suffer from crippling shyness, obsessive doubts, or feelings of insecurity? What you may not realize is that these fears are almost never based on reality. When you’re anxious, you’re actually fooling yourself, telling yourself things that simply aren’t true. See if you can recognize yourself in any of these distortions: All-or-Nothing Thinking: “My mind will go blank when I give my presentation at work, and everyone will think I’m an idiot.” Fortune Telling: “I just know I’ll freeze up and blow it when I take my test.” Mind Reading: “Everyone at this party can see how nervous I am.” Magnification: “Flying is so dangerous. I think this plane is going to crash!” Should Statements: “I shouldn’t be so anxious and insecure. Other people don’t feel this way.” Emotional Reasoning: “I feel like I’m on the verge of cracking up!” Self-Blame: “What’s wrong with me? I’m such a loser!” Mental Filter: “Why can’t I get anything done? My life seems like one long procrastination.” Now imagine what it would feel like to live a life that’s free of worries and self-doubt; to go to sleep at night feeling peaceful and relaxed; to overcome your shyness and have fun with other people; to give dynamic presentations without worrying yourself sick ahead of time; to enjoy greater creativity, productivity and self-confidence. With these forty techniques, you'll be able to put the lie to the distorted thoughts that plague you and your fears will immediately disappear. Dr. Burns also shares the latest research on the drugs commonly prescribed for anxiety and depression and explains why they may sometimes do more harm than good. This is not pop psychology but proven, fast-acting techniques that have been shown to be more effective than medications. When Panic Attacks is an indispensable handbook for anyone who’s worried sick and sick of worrying.
You deserve to be free from these troublesome moments, and the ten easy and effective techniques you'll find in 10 Simple Solutions to Panic make it not only possible but also easy.
Practical help for those who suffer from panic attacks and irrational fears, this book is credible from both medical and spiritual standpoint.
Freedman, R., “Ambulatory Monitoring Findings on Panic”, Chapter 4 in R. Baker (ed.), Panic Disorder: Theory, Research and Therapy, Chichester: John Wiley, 1989. 5. Zane, M.D., “A Contextual Approach to Panic”, Chapter 8 in R. Baker (ed ...
So did Joshua Fletcher, the author of the self-published bestseller ANXIETY: PANICKING ABOUT PANIC - but he treated his own condition successfully, went back to school, became a counsellor and emerged as one of the country's leading experts ...
This is not a one-and-done process that will completely free you from all brokenness, but it will help you recognize that, even in the middle of so much brokenness and overwhelming pain, God has a plan and a purpose for your life, and he is ...
This new edition has been updated to include the latest research findings, with sections on the importance of diet, neurotransmitters, pH balance, current technology and techniques to help you conquer worry.
This unique book presents original research from the largest cross-national survey of the epidemiology of mental disorders ever conducted.
If you are a sufferer, with the help of this book, you will be on the right road to curing yourself. Come and take the journey with me, and we will go through the book together.
Some of the topics covered in this book include: - The Practical Easy To Follow Methods For Getting Better Fast - Recovery Case Studies From People Who Have Recovered, Showing Exactly What They Did - Understanding Anxiety & Quickly Ridding ...
Hoffart A, Due-Madsen J, Lande B, Gude T, Bille H, Torgersen S (1993). Clomipramine in the treatment of agoraphobic inpatients resistant to behavioral therapy. J Clin Psychiatry 54:481–7. Iqbal MM, Sobhan T, Ryals T (2002).