Day 71 WINNING THE PAIN GAME ...much pain is in every side.... —NAHUM 2:10. Insidious,. or chronic pain (the annoying type), can literally wear a person out. Sugar, nightshade vegetables, and cow's milk can contribute to chronic pain.
Dr. Bob also has included a specail Chapter on male hormones. This book is a must read for women of all ages seeking to improve their own health from the inside out.
This book explains the dangers of trans fat, commonly called hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fat, as well as how to recognise them in every day foods by properly reading nutritional labels.
Women's health.
You do not have to let any health issues rob you and your spouse of sexual contentment. Ignite the fire in your marriage with the health and romance secrets shared in this book.
In this revolutionary handbook, Dr. Bob Arnot explains how coffee became a staple of the human diet, and reveals why having a cup is the best thing you can do each day.
Eat to Beat Disease isn't about what foods to avoid, but rather is a life-changing guide to the hundreds of healing foods to add to your meals that support the body's defense systems, including: Plums Cinnamon Jasmine tea Red wine and beer ...
As the book blends fascinating stories with new research findings, illustrations, infographics, and exclusive interviews, it also educates you on how aging really works and provides practical ways to hack the system.
73 Gill, TA., Li, J., Saenger, M., Scofield, SR. (2016, June 2). Thymol-based submicron emulsions exhibit antifungal activity against Fusarium graminearum and inhibit Fusarium head blight in wheat. J Appl Microbiol.
Seeking an antidote to widespread anxiety over food ethics, cultural obesity and more, Rachel Stone calls us to reclaim the joy of eating with gratitude.