Rodney Hogue didn’t believe that believers could be oppressed by demons… But one day, the Holy Spirit revealed that he was being oppressed by a demonic spirit. In disgust, Rodney commanded the demon to leave in Jesus’ name. To his surprise, it did! Since then, he’s been driven by a passion to see others set free from spiritual strongholds, and brought into a powerful encounter with the love, freedom, and healing of Jesus! Today, Hogue teaches that the first step to deliverance is exposing the works of darkness. All too often, a demonic presence is overlooked as merely a bad habit or something that “runs in the family.” Unless we recognize the enemy’s stealth tactics, we will fail to confront the true issue and continue to experience demonic torment. In Liberated, Hogue offers powerful tools for discerning and defeating the enemy’s work through the Holy Spirit’s power. Discover how to: Operate in your spiritual jurisdiction of authority when confronting demons. Recognize signs and symptoms of demonic oppression. Identify and close any open doors granting demons access to your life. Confidently deal with evil spirits when they manifest. Step-by-step, minister deliverance for yourself and others. Rebuild broken areas of life after receiving inner healing and deliverance. When strongholds are exposed, freedom comes and healing can begin!
Focusing on the emergence of the 'soul style' movement - represented in clothing, jewelry, hairstyles, and more - 'Liberated Threads' shows that black women's fashion choices became galvanizing symbols of gender and political liberation.
"In all my years studying personal growth, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is one of the most useful tools I've ever come across, and in this book, Dr. Hayes describes it with more depth and clarity than ever before.
Major Kira and Kai Winn must work together to preserve both the sacred Orb of the Prophets and the safety of everyone aboard the space station
History Liberated: The Sree Chithra Saga
" This new edition has been revised and updated throughout.
"Interrogates the development of the world's first international courts of humanitarian justice and the subsequent "liberation" of nearly 200,000 Africans in the nineteenth century"--
The Companion Volume to How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk In this honest, illuminating book, internationally acclaimed parenting experts Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish bring to life the principles of famed child ...
This is exactly what Scott Leonard does, and he describes his strategies for running a successful business on the go in The Liberated CEO: The 9-Step Program to Running a Better Business so it Doesn’t Run You.
A strong Christian woman embarks on a radical life experiment-a year of biblical womanhood.
Contains an illustrated guide to twenty string quilt designs, including traditional and Amish, instructions for short strings, long strings, rectangles, and wedges, and photographs of antique string quilts.