Daily gems to revolutionize your health! Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (3 John 2) Are you caught in a tug-of-war between pursuing a healthier lifestyle and settling for average? Did you know that you can build a better you by making a series of simple daily choices? In these 1-minute daily devotionals, Dr. Bob DeMaria offers bite-sized Scriptural insights on how to improve your health and transform your life in the comfort of your own home. This journey will equip you with priceless information, empower you to make necessary improvements, and enable you to be a good steward of the body God has given you.
My wife (Dominique) and I were stuck in this vicious cycle after successfully developing the habits of excessive drinking and late night binge eating while in college.I'll go deeper into our back story in the next chapter but (as you know) ...
It's the perfect solution for anyone who feels there isn't enough time in the day! Discover more than 70 ways to a healthier you...in just five minutes.
Selene Yeager Editors of Women's Health ... 129 medicine ball rolling pushup, 129, 129 1-minute hammer curl, 127, 127 pyramid pushup, 128, 128 triceps leg extension, 126, 126 Jump rope high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, ...
natural rhythm, you will ensure that your body gets a full night's rest. ... you must chew vegetables (unlike softer foods such as yogurt), they take longer to eat, allowing your brain the time it needs to turn off your hunger switch.
Including the eight best basic interval workouts as well as four microworkouts customized for individual needs and preferences (you may not quite want to go all out every time), The One-Minute Workout solves the number-one reason we don’t ...
The Women's Health Big Book of 15-Minute Workouts is both an introduction to the fundamentals of short workouts and a comprehensive collection of hundreds of the most effective ones.
Foreword by Jennifer Lawrence. Expert celebrity trainer Dalton Wong and health writer Kate Faithfull-Williams show that by taking 15 minutes – that’s just 1% of your day – you can...
The eating strategy I'm recommending to you establishes a nutritional balance and a predictable intake frequency that your body will quickly learn to appreciate . You can have the satisfaction of eating the foods you love , control your ...
... Minute. Moves. for. Phase. 1. These F-15 workouts take just 15 minutes to complete. The recommended goal for exercise is at least 30 minutes a day, most days of the week. But this can be overwhelming if you ... healthier. You'll want to add ...
Follow the 7-week program in this book and you’ll massively increase your strength, muscle tone and overall fitness to such an extreme that you’ll be able to do 10, 20 or even an amazing 50 consecutive pull-ups!