Will My Pet Go To Heaven?

Will My Pet Go To Heaven?
Destiny Image Publishers
Angela Shears, Shae Cooke, Tammy Fitzgerald


Is your special friend always waiting at the door for you with a wagging tail and an unconditional look of happiness? Is your favorite lap warmer always ready to keep you company on dark and stormy nights? No matter if your friend is furry, finned, feathered, or leathered, no doubt your pet plays an important role in your life and your family. In fact, your pet may be your family. But after the inevitable happens and you sob your last good-bye, will you see your pet again? In Heaven? Does your pet have a soul? Will your pet go to Heaven? This fun and light-hearted look at a seriously sad subject reveals many perspectives about Spot’s stairway to Heaven, Fluffy’s final resting place, and birds of Paradise. Will your pet rabbit rest in peace, or will your fish float forever in the septic tank? In addition to their own blend of passionate and compassionate diva dialogue, the four writers quote devoted pet owners, clergy, friends, family, and even those who just aren’t “pet people.” From the variety of perspectives and opinions, this is a heart-warming, tail-wagging conversation sure to keep you smiling from now until then…

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