See also Pearson v. Pearson, 606 N.W.2d 128 (ND. 2000) (former wife's cohabitation with her male partner was not material change in her circumstances justifying change in spousal support where she was not entitled to support from her ...
Understanding Family Law is a clear and concise book for students of family law. The text is easy to digest, and even the most complex issues are presented in a user-friendly way.
Understanding Family Law is a clear and concise book for students of family law. The text is easy to digest, and even the most complex issues are presented in a user-friendly way.
Discusses a variety of issues concerning child custody, including court structures, living arrangements, recommendations on avoiding court battles, and advice on working with lawyers.
I have no doubt that this book will become an invaluable tool for family and children's court judges and magistrates, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, police and the many other professionals who work in this field.
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 The Nat'l Marriage Project, Kay Hymowtiz, Jason S. Carroll, W. Bradford Wilcox, & Kelleen Kaye, ... Daniel T. Lichter & Zhenchoa Qian, Serial Cohabitation and the Marital Life Course, ...
A comprehensive resource on the complexities of the American legal system encompasses a broad spectrum of legal issues and concerns, including home ownership, consumer credit, wills and estates, family law, small business, and citizen ...
This volume examines the state of family law in America.
While he slept, Judy Norman shot and killed the husband who had abused her for years, forced her to support him by her daily prostitution, and at the same time made her sleep on the concrete floor and eat out of a dog or cat dish.
Legal Controls' [2005] Child and Family Law Quarterly 75 Masson, J., Pearce, J., and Bader K. with Joyner, O., Marsden, J., and Westlake, D., Care Profiling Study (London: Ministry of Justice, March 2008) Masson, J. et al, ...
Written by leading family law attorneys, this book guides the reader through important issues such as custody and support.