statement carefully to determine [135/1361whether “the review by the Commission's regulatory staff has been adequate.” And it must independently consider ...
DOUGLAS 458 U.S. 941 (1982) Joy Sporhase and Delmer Moss lived in Phillips County, Colorado, and owned a farm that straddled the Colorado-Nebraska border. After purchasing the property in 1972, they developed an irrigation system ...
This book may also be of relevance to environmentalists, policy-makers, NGOs, and investors working in the natural resources field.
The book covers a wide range of natural resources -- from forests and wildlife to oceans and rivers -- with problems exercises and case studies for students to sharpen their understanding of the issues.
Environmental Law: Legal Studies of the Environment and Natural Resources
To view or download the 2019 Supplement to this book, click here.
The book provides a comprehensive coverage of key issues, including renewable energy, climate change, agriculture, water resources, land conservation and fisheries, with each chapter accompanied by learning resources, such as recommended ...
Lawrence J. MacDonnell is director and Sarah F. Bates is associate director of the Natural Resources Law Center at the University of Colorado School of Law. Bates is co-author, with Marc Reisner of Overtapped Oasis.
Justice and Natural Resources is the first book devoted to exploring the concept of environmental justice in the realm of natural resources.
Lazarus is especially well equipped to tell this story, given his active involvement in many of the most significant moments in the history of environmental law as a litigator for the Justice Department's Environment and Natural Resources ...
Two justices, John Paul Stevens and David Souter, concurred in the Court's delegation doctrine result in American Trucking, but not in the Court's opinion on the issue. In a separate opinion, they noted that they would prefer the Court ...