Stedeford, Todd 8: Amanda S. Persad, The Influence of Carcinogenicity Classification and Mode of Action Characterization on Distinguishing “Like Products” Under Article III:4 of the GATT and Article 2:1 of the TBT Agreement, ...
Stedeford, Todd & Amanda S. Persad, The Influence of Carcinogenicity Classification and Mode of Action Characterization on Distinguishing “Like Products” Under Article III:4 of the GATT and Article 2:1 of the TBT Agreement, ...
Defines over 2000 terms using examples and charts. Key areas covered include: global accounting and taxation; exports and imports; global trade, law and regulations; and international organizations.
International trade is vital to the well-being of the international market.
An outstanding desktop tool, the Dictionary of International and Comparative Law is ideal for anyone seeking clear, concise definitions of terminology found in the practice of international and comparative law....
This is an accessible guide to the vocabulary used in trade negotiations.
In addition to its obvious practical value, this work reveals much about the process of harmonization in international trade law and the operation of the key international trade bodies.
This Handbook provides the tools and data needed to analyze these new dimensions of integration and to assess the content and consequences of DTAs.
International Trade Law: Interdisciplinary Theory and Practice
Macmillan Dictionary of International Finance