Nichols, 270 N.C. 733, 155 S.E.2d 154 (1967). 233 3 R. Lee, North Carolina Family Law § 248, at 296. See also P rosser and Keeton on the Law of Torts, at 906 (5th ed. 1984). 234 Watson v. Nichols, 270 N.C. 733, 155 S.E.2d 154 (1967).
North Carolina Law of Torts
"The book's treatment of tort theory was as detailed as anything I could ever hope for, yet easy to read and understand.
North Carolina Law of Torts: 1998 Cumulative Supplement
North Carolina Prima Facie Tort Manual
North Carolina Torts, 1999 Cumulative Supplement
North Carolina Tort Law, 1992
North Carolina Prima Facie Tort Manual
The South Carolina Law of Torts
North Carolina Tort Practice Manual
This book discusses the procedure in trials before a magistrate as well as the substantive law for common cases that magistrates hear, including basic contract and tort principles, summary ejectment, actions to recover possession of ...