A child is the sole survivor of a shipwreck, along with a zebra, a hyena, an orangutan, and a tiger.
Na een schipbreuk belandt een Indiaas jongetje in een reddingsboot samen met een Bengaalse tijger.
From thousands of entrants, Croatian artist Tomislav Torjanac was chosen. This lavishly produced edition features forty of Torjanac’s beautiful four-color illustrations, bringing Life of Pi to splendid, eye-popping life.
From thousands of entries, Croatian artist Tomislav Torjanac was chosen as the illustrator for this new edition of Life of Pi. Now readers can enjoy this extraordinary tale with his glorious colour illustrations.
The story of a boy, a boat, and a tiger promises an adventure which some may find hard to believe.
The son of a zookeeper, Pi Patel has an encyclopedic knowledge of animal behavior and a fervent love of stories.
A foreword by Yann Martel, an introduction by Ang Lee, and an incredible range of visual materials—fine art, vintage archival imagery, and commissioned portfolios by photographer Mary Ellen Mark and artist Alexis Rockman—supplement the ...
Did you know US President Barack Obama wrote a personal note to Martel that stated "My daughter and I just finished reading Life of Pi together, both of us agreed we prefer the story with animals.
It tells the story of Piscine “Pi” Patel, a young Indian man whose family of zookeepers decides to immigrate to Canada due to the political instability in India.
Fans of his Man Booker Prize–winning novel will recognize familiar themes from that seafaring phenomenon, but the itinerary in this imaginative new book is entirely fresh. . .
Life of Pi: Novel and Study Notes with Additional Material by Mary Reynolds