Melton, Arthur W. Problems of Installation in Museums of Art. Studies in Museum Education, edited by Edward S. Robinson. ... Miller, Warren H. “Aquarelles of Our Common Woodlands.” American Museum Journal 15, no. 4 (1915): 167–75.
A subsequent generation will see the public display of religious symbol as a meaningless—or inconsequential—gesture, stirring little interest, let alone passion; and in due time, these successors to empty display will come to believe ...
The work ethic is often a product of such cultural configurations as Max Weber's concept of “the Protestant ethic” and the more recent phenomenon of workaholic behaviour among Japanese executives. “Is the workethic in Africa cultivated ...
At the same time, certain features of family life endure. This popular book, now in a fully updated second edition, presents a comprehensive assessment of recent research on 'family', parenting, childhood and interpersonal ties.
adult humans, (ii) it endows any organism possessing it with a serious right to life, and (iii) it is such that any ... conditions for development” will come to display the crucial ability that we will assume still to be rationality.
In the current Mexican version of this holiday, people also go to cemeteries, clean relatives' grave sites, and eat meals there. In some large Mexican cities, people display life-sized escenas, tableau scenes placed in parks and other ...
God's love is part of His nature: “God is love”(1John 4:8). God's love for His Son is from all eternity—“you loved me before the creation of the world” (John 17:24). God's love is active—“he gave his one and only Son” (John 3:16).
this : that not only the dispositions and tastes of successive generations change and alternate, but that their luck follows the same law, and that after a good run of fortune for maybe a century or two, there is certain to come a turn ...
We have the ability and concept of free will in our lives, so we get to choose whether or not we will walk the ... we don't fall under his influence by passing along gossip and yielding to temptation that society displays daily in ...
12 “Well, stay here today,” David told him, “and tomorrow you may return to the army. ... The prophet's statement brings home to David the stark truth that all his plans and scheming had been exposed to the view of the Lord all along.