... expectations of patients , 130-5 ; initial surgery , 136-42 ; psychology of patients , 125-30 , 142 ; revisional treatment , 142-5 ; recovery , 146-8 ; saddle nose , 137-40 ; see also 3 , 9 , 19 , 20-1 , 84 , 120 Robbins , Dr. J.
He is an author of About Face—A Consumer's Guide to Facial Cosmetic Surgery in Canada (Macmillan Canada, 1992). He is also coauthor of Your Complete Guide to Nose Reshaping (Addicus Books, 2007). Dr. Ellis's honors include being the ...
F. and the joy that I receive daily from my twins, Hannah and Benny, as they inspire me to be the best I can every moment. ... Finally, I acknowledge Frances Sharpe for her editorial support in bringing this book together.
Canadian Books in Print: Subject index
Body contouring after massive weight loss has become a subspecialty of plastic surgery.
Canadian Selection: Books and Periodicals for Libraries
Fraser (2003), for example, found a decline in the publication of articles critical of cosmetic surgery in women's magazines during the 1990s, which she linked to magazines' growing dependence on advertising revenue.
Demystifying cosmetic surgery and its alternatives, this book explores the ins and outs of facial enhancement and antiaging techniques from the hottest procedures in Hollywood to the newest minimally invasive treatments and skin care.
Killer Looks is the definitive story about the long-forgotten practice of providing free nose jobs, face-lifts, breast implants, and other physical alterations to prisoners, the idea being that by remodeling the face you remake the man.
Consumer Guide Wendy Lewis ... Others are certified in plastic surgery , ophthalmology , and dermatology . ... Members have to submit a detailed report of 35 major facial plastic and reconstructive surgical procedures performed within ...
The guide will help users in any organization, with any budget, to make the science of their communications as sound as the science that they are communicating.