This is a translation of 70 Baroque sonnets by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (c.1648-1695), closely following her Petrarchan (and Spanish) form, syntax and phrasing. Sor Juana was a Mexican nun, known to her contemporaries as the Decima Musa (tenth muse). After a translator's foreword and introduction by Melvin S. Arrington, Jr., facing page translations of the sonnets are grouped by type: philosophical-moral; historical-mythological; satirical-burlesque; love and wit; homages of court, friendship or letters; and religious.
La lírica cristiana y la Comedieta de Ponza suenan en Jorge Manrique y , por analogía o contraposición , contribuyen a encauzar el curso de las Coplas . Esas resonancias no son casuales ni inertes , sino alusiones deliberadas que dan al ...
Crónica del rey pasmado: scherzo en re(y) mayor : alegre, mas no demasiado
A best seller in Latin America in the 1980s, this novel of life in fifteenth-century Spain depicts a world in which both the Moors and the Jews are under attack....
Juan Carlos Onetti is a Uruguayan novelist whose central importance to the development of the contemporary Latin American novel has been widely recognized. Unlike previous analyses, this ground-breaking study constitutes...
This study elucidates the role of the narrator in the establishment of realism in five of the Novelas contemporaneas by Galdos. Following structuralist principles, Kay Engler seeks the realist novel's...
Discovering the World
Following the format of the original edition ( LJ 11/15/81), Foster divides his bibliography into two major sections. Part 1 (General References) moves hierarchically from broad literary topics to specific...
This book introduces to English readers the work of Plinio Marcos, one of the most controversial contemporary Brazilian dramatists. His work is examined in the context of Brazilian popular culture,...