Essential reading for an understanding of contemporary Quebec, The Dream of Nation traces the changing nature of various "dreams of nation," from the imperial dream of New France to the separatist dream of the 1980 referendum. Susan Mann demonstrates that these dreams, fashioned by elites in response to the recurring question of how to be French in North America, proposed an ever-elusive unanimity. She discusses how social, economic, and political pressures, as well as changing populations, invariably thwarted one dream and provided the makings of another. A work of pioneering scholarship and remarkable synthesis, The Dream of Nation weaves together two of the dominant ideologies of the twentieth century: nationalism and feminism. A new preface contextualizes the 1982 edition and outlines the different contours of Quebec's latest thoughts on sovereignty.
Describes ideas and solutions to some of the most important social, economic, and environmental problems facing the United States in the twenty-first century.
Against the backdrop of ever-increasing nationalist violence during the last decade of the twentieth century, this book challenges standard analyses of nation formation by elaborating on the nation's dream-like hold over the modern social ...
Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá's historical novels, La renuncia del héroe Baltasár (The renunciation of the hero Baltasar) and La noche oscura del Niño Avilés (The dark night of the Niño Avilés), are in many ways reverse images of Seva.
Evers was shot by Byron De La Beckwith in his driveway returning home from an NAACP meeting. De La Beckwith was tried twice in 1964 with two all-Caucasian juries deadlocked both times, but a third trial thirty years later gained a ...
If the American Dream is an article of our civic faith, it's worth considering what we have done in this country to give the Dream life and meaning in our past, and what we must do today to assure that the Dream endures.
Unless otherwise indicated, information about the MidEuropean Union is from Arthur J. May, “H. A. Miller and the MidEuropean Union of 1918,” American Slavic and East European Review 16, no. 4 (December 1957): 473–88; ...
Over the last quarter-century, Palestinian cinema has emerged as a major artistic force on the global scene. Deeply rooted in the historic struggles for national self-determination, this cinema is the...
How will the succession of the aging and revered Dalai Lama affect Tibet and the world? This book makes the case for a fully Tibetan independent state for much of its 2,500-year existence, but its story is a complex one.
Here, he falls in love with the beautiful young Daisy Fay, whose background is far more distinguished than his own. Visiting her house with other officers from the local army base, and then alone, brings his life into vivid clarity: she ...
Grounded in the history of modern India, the book reveals the close kinship among identity economy and identity politics, publicity and populism, and violence and economic growth rapidly rearranging the liberal political order the world ...