"The purpose of this paper is to examine security of tenure and to evaluate rent regulation as a means of providing security of tenure.
The Human Calamity of the Evictions at Nyamuma, Serengeti: Legal and Human Rights Implications
February 1974 Decades later, from her basement flat Joyce Cooper watches the world go by above her head. This is her haven; the home she has created for herself having had so much taken from her in the war.
El juicio de desalojo y el secuestro en el nuevo Código de procedimiento civil
Aspectos Relevantes en el Juicio de Desalojo: Doctrina-Jurisprudencia
Defensa del derecho a la vivienda de la población desplazada en Colombia
Landlord's Law Book: Evictions (California Edition)
This book for the layman provides a California landlord with the forms and instructions to effectively and legally evict a tenant.
... Vollstreckungszugriff als Grundrechtseingriff , S. 129 ; ders . , in : FS für Hubert Blank , S. 491 ( 509 f . ) ; Gerhardt , ZZP 95 ( 1982 ) , 467 ( 488 ) . 156 Sturm , Räumungsvollstreckung , S. 207 ; Scherer , DGVZ 1995 , 33 ( 37 f ...
... Costs The TPA ( at section 190 ) , the Act's Cost Guideline ( Guideline 4 ) and the rules provide for the award of costs . Generally , a successful applicant will be awarded its costs of issuing the application ( $ 60 if eviction is ...