Similarly, the Reimers claimed that Money introduced the twins to a transsexual who tried to influence them. Throughout the narrative ... That a very distraught David Reimer should recall her as a transsexual is not surprising.
Seeks to cut through Money's talent for controversy and self-promotion by digging into the substance of Money's theories and achievements.
Social Problems 16 (1968): 182–92; reprinted with postscript in Plummer, ed.: 30–49; reprinted without postscript in Stein, ed. MCLAREN, ANGUs. Reproductive Rituals: The Perception of Fertility in England from the Sixteenth Century to ...
D'Augelli, A. R., A. H. Grossman, N. P. Salter, J. J. Vasey, M. T. Starks, and K. O. Sinclair. 2005. Predicting the suicide attempts of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth. Suicide & LifeThreatening Behavior 35(6):646–660.
Seeing Gender is an of-the-moment investigation into how we express and understand the complexities of gender today. Deeply researched and fully illustrated, this book demystifies an intensely personal—yet universal—facet of humanity.
As Nature Made Him tells the extraordinary story of David Reimer, who, when finally informed of his medical history, made the decision to live as a male.
Since its initial publication in 1990, this book has become a key work of contemporary feminist theory, and an essential work for anyone interested in the study of gender, queer theory, or the politics of sexuality in culture.
Just One of the Guys? sheds new light on this phenomenon by analyzing the unique experiences of transgender men—people designated female at birth whose gender identity is male—on the job.
This accessible guide challenges Christians to rise above the politics and come alongside individuals navigating these issues.
Psychoneuroendocrinology , 9 , 405-414 . Money , J. , & Tucker , P. ( 1976 ) . Sexual signatures : On being a man or a woman . London : Harrap . Moore , D. S. , & Erickson , P. I. ( 1985 ) . Age , gender and ethnic differences in sexual ...
His Die Mannlichen und Weiblichen Wollusts - Organe des Menschen und verschiedene Saugetiere ( Freiburg , 1844 ) is the basis for the English text I have generally followed , with slight emendations : Thomas Power Lowry , ed .