The China Gadabouts: New Frontiers of Humanitarian Nursing, 1941-51

The China Gadabouts: New Frontiers of Humanitarian Nursing, 1941-51
Humanitarian assistance
UBC Press
Susan Armstrong-Reid


The Sino-Japanese War (1937-45) had a devastating impact on China's population. Braving bandits and disease, the China Convoy - a Quaker-sponsored humanitarian unit - provided medical relief in the unoccupied territory of "Free China" and later to both sides in the ensuing civil war. China Gadabouts examines the roles played by Western and Chinese nurses in the Convoy's humanitarian efforts from 1941 to 1951. In so doing, it re-examines the quandaries of Quakers' purportedly apolitical global engagement that remain salient for contemporary humanitarians. China Gadabouts illuminates the dilemmas, challenges, and opportunities presented by humanitarian work within a Western-based relief organization.

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