Aboriginal peoples in Canada have diverse cultures but share common social and political challenges that have contributed to their experiences of health and illness. This collection addresses the origins of mental health and social problems and the emergence of culturally responsive approaches to services and health promotion. Healing Traditions is not a handbook of practice but a resource for thinking critically about current issues in the mental health of indigenous peoples. Cross-cutting themes include: the impact of colonialism, sedentarization, and forced assimilation; the importance of land for indigenous identity and an ecocentric self; and processes of healing and spirituality as sources of resilience.
I refer you to the book Traditional Western Herbalism and Pulse Evaluation : A Conversation by Matthew Wood , Francis Bonaldo , and Phyllis Light ( 2015 ) for further reading on the pulse based on Southern Folk Medicine's concept of ...
Caribbean Healing Traditions: Implications for Health and Mental Health fills this gap.
"The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College"--T.p.
In many metropolitan cities in Canada, the UK, and the USA it is not difficult to find healers practicing their various Caribbean healing traditions. For example, in the inner city hamlets we find Santeros from the Santeria tradition ...
Would the ritual work? Would the woman be healed? The stories and anecdotes found here will enlighten readers about alternative, non-medical approaches to healing a variety of illnesses through spirit and ritual.
tradition as many clinicians are not trained in Asian healing methods. However, for counselors and psychotherapists to gain an appreciation and understanding of Asian healing methods, certain features have been identified as key to a ...
What it means to be healthy or to heal is not universal from culture to culture, from religion to religion. Indeed, in many cultures religion and healing are intimately tied...
Frankel , Barbara . Childbirth in the Ghetto : Folk Beliefs of Negro Women in a North Philadelphia Hospital Ward . San Francisco : R and E Research , 1977 . Freedman , Alex S. " The Passing of the Arkansas Granny ...
However, it is commendable on part of government, some NGOs and various Amchis who are making sincere efforts to keep the tradition alive. With the establishment of Amchis Training Centres in Dharmshala, Darjeeling, Ladakh and Manali, ...
Healing with Herbs and Rituals is an herbal remedy-based understanding of curanderismo and the practice of yerberas, or herbalists, as found in the American Southwest and northern Mexico.