Learn about the Spanish conqueror's invasion of Mexico.
Book2Web, the series of books that provides a direct and purposeful connection between your classroom and the Internet. The 72 Book2Web books are organized into six strands: two in science and four in socials studies.
Dorling Kindersley Publishing, David Murdoch, Elizabeth Baquedano. Thompson tribe war club Moche staff showing figure of a chief EYEWITNESS ANTHOLOGIES AMERICAN PEOPLES NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN Written by DAVID MURDOCH Chief Consultant ...
Worldviews: Contact and Change
Experience and explore the often controversial lives of the ancient Aztecs through this comprehensive social history of their culture.
MAYANS AND AZTECS: Exploring Ancient Civilizations;exploring Ancient Civilizations
Acatl, the high priest of the dead, investigates mysterious deaths and disappearances in Tenochtitlan, where gods walk among men, sorcery runs rampant, and thousands of slaves are sacrificed every day.
Charles Cullen [ 2d ed .; London : J. Johnson , 1807 ] , I , 399 ) and “ which made an extremely shrill sound ” ( I , 369 ) . See Historia antigua de México , ed . Mariano Cuevas ( México : Editorial Porrúa , 1945 ) , II , 302 , 257 ...
The little book is an exciting mystery adventure where children have to unmask the thief and find the missing treasure. The big book is a fact book and has to be used to solve the mystery in the little book
Les Aztèques et les Incas, 1300-1532 ap. J.-C.
Examines the life of the Aztecs including their history.