In his motivational sequel to Be Dynamic (Acts 1-12), best-selling author Warren Wiersbe skillfully explains the book of Acts to the layperson and the pastor alike. A respected pastor and a man whose study series has sold over 4 million copies, Wiersbe affectionately calls the apostle Luke "Dr. Luke" as he shows how Dr. Luke recorded Paul's missionary journeys. Readers travel through dungeon prisons, see the ancient world as if it were today, and witness the marvelous work God can do through a few souls fully surrendered to His purposes. They witness Paul's conversion and spot his imperfections, yet still they enter his successes as the Lord uses Him to preach Good News to the lost and dying. Because there are hardships today, places where God is unwelcome, and people whose hearts are unreceptive, both young and old will benefit from knowing that Paul's God is their God-the God of the ages. They will persevere till the finish line to "win the prize for which God [calls them] heavenward in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:13).
In this practical study of Acts 13-28, Dr. Wiersbe explains how God equips and calls ordinary people to do extraordinary tasks. What is a call to service? How does God equip His servants? What is God's progam for world outreach?
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Through explaining Luke's record of the Gospel's advancement and church expansion, Wiersbe opens the door to understanding the work of the church today.
CONFLICT. IN. ICONIUM. Acts 14:17 Paul and Barnabas in Iconium Verses 13: At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went as usual ... 2But the Jews who refused to believe stirred up the other Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brothers.
The message he heard that evening was the preface to Martin Luther's commentary on Romans. Just a few months before, John Wesley had written in his journal: "I went to America to convert the Indians; but Oh! who shall convert me?
Expository Bible-study guide to the second half of Acts.
For anyone who thinks that comfort is equivalent to pity and that it is only priceless to those who need an emotional crutch, best-selling author Warren Wiersbe applies the words of the prophet Isaiah to prove that God's comfort is no such ...
The book of Acts chronicles the birth and growth of the early church. It tells the story of ordinary people who were pioneers for Christ, as they experienced His transforming power in their lives and communities.
Creature of the Word lays out this concept in full, first examining the rich, scripture-based beauty of a Jesus-centered church, then clearly providing practical steps toward forming a Jesus-centered church.
The Spirit-Filled Life Study Guides are perfect companions to the New Spirit-Filled Life Bible or for use on their own.