University of Pennsylvania surgical residents have developed the Surgical Review for surgical board examination preparation. The only book to include basic science and clinical management and follow the format of the oral board examination, this manual includes complete coverage of the topics that must be mastered to pass the boards.
First Aid for the ABSITE
Krag DN, Anderson SJ, Julian TB, et al. Sentinel-lymph-node resection compared with conventional axillary-lymph-node dissection in clinically node-negative patients with breast cancer: overall survival findings from the NSABP B-32 ...
It was the largest object ever to be taken out of a human skull . books Bankston , John . Joseph Lister and the Story of Antiseptics . Hockessin , DE : Mitchell Lane , 2004 . Parker , Steve . Groundbreakers : Alexander Fleming .
Las bases de la cirugía integran los periodos preoperatorio, transoperatorio y posoperatorio del paciente, mismo que norman su manejo en todas las especialidades quirúrgicas y que constituyen el contenido escencial de esta obra.
Cirugía: Bases del conocimiento quirúrgico
Cirugía: bases del conocimiento quirúrgico
In addition to the usual 'listen, look, feel, move', examination of the hip includes observation of the patient ... Thomas's test, which unmasks a fixed flexion deformity of the hip, should be performed by flexing the unaffected hip up ...
SBAs and EMQs for the MRCS.: Part A
OSCEs for the MRCS Part B: A Bailey & Love Revision Guide
Study efficiently and effectively for high-stakes surgery exams with this superb review tool.