Thoroughly updated for its Fourth Edition, this popular book is a quick-reference pocket guide for house officers who see obstetric and gynecologic patients in the clinic, office, or emergency department. Content is based on the Resident Learning Objectives from the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology as determined by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The text is clear and concise, with numerous tables and algorithms. This edition's coverage includes geriatrics, managed care, and a chapter on setting up a practice and contracts. Chapters on contraception, HIV, and infections have been completely updated.
葡萄胎患者继续发展时可在孕20周左右出现高血压、水肿、蛋白尿等其他妊娠中毒症状,并且症状严重。(4)双侧卵巢囊肿:妇科检查或超声检查时常发现双侧卵巢囊肿,此囊肿为卵巢黄素化囊肿,若发生扭转或破裂,可出现急性腹痛。黄素囊肿中储存大量的HCG, ...
Roberts , C. , Weith , A. , Passage , E. , Michot , J. L. , Mattei , M. G. , and Bishop , C. E. , Molecular and ... P. N. , Craig , I. W. , Smith , J. C. , and Wolfe , J. , Eds . , The Company of Biologists , Cambridge , 1987 , 133 .
... 278-279 , 280-281 Circumcision , in congenital heart disease , 1293 Circumvallate placenta , 427 Cisatracurium , in neonatal anesthesia , 610 Citrin deficiency , 1646 Citrulline for lysinuric protein intolerance , 1389 in urea cycle ...
population. projections. /. nation. /. detail. ,. pp . 6,11 . 3. Soules MR , Sherman S , Parrott E , et al . Executive summary : stages of reproductive aging workshop ( STRAW ) . Fertil Steril 2001 ; 76 ( 5 ) ...
服用中药汤剂时能加糖吗? fuyong zhongyaotang jishi neng jia tang ma 中草药煎成汤剂后味道苦涩,因此不少人就会在汤剂中加糖服用。然而,这样做是不科学的,因为有些中药加糖以后,将会降低药物的疗效、改变药.
... 而又迫切希望生育者,可行双侧输卵管切除术,保留卵巢及子宫。但保留的卵巢须术中剖视或冷冻切片,术后根据结核活动情况,病灶是否取净继续抗结核治疗。抗结核治疗对生殖器结核90%有效,临床常用异烟肼、利福平、链霉素、吡嗪酰胺、对氨水杨酸钠为一线抗 ...
Includes key terms, chapter activities, and additional critical thinking activities not found in the text.