This fifth edition instructor's manual and CD-ROM offers coverage of major concepts in psychiatric-mental health nursing, with emphasis placed on critical concepts in the continuum of care settings, client and family education and student self-awareness.
In M. H. Kryger , T. Roth , & W.C. Dement ( Eds . ) , Principles and practice of sleep medicine ( 3rd ed . , pp . 1140–1157 ) , Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders . Birkenmeier , N. ( 2000a ) . Important facts about sleep and young children ...
Pearson, New Jersey Bühler C, Allen M 1972 Introduction to humanistic psychology. Brooks/Cole, California Butcher J, Mineka S, Hooley K 2011Abnormal psychology: care concepts. Allyn & Bacon, Boston Cando A, Gottesman I 2000 Twin studies ...
For professionals with a career in nursing, medicine, pharmacology, psychiatry, social work, and other related medical fields. Portable and a quick-reference, this handbook is a "must-have" for nurses and nursing students alike!
Instructor's Resource Manual: Mental Health Nursing
Instructor's Resource Manual for Essentials of Mental Health Nursing
Enfermería psiquiátrica
Enfermería psiquiátrica
Enfermería psiquiátrica
Ce manuel n'a pas la prétention de couvrir toutes les facettes du monde de la psychiatrie et de la santé mentale, ni celle d'approfondir l'aspect psychothérapeutique de la relation infirmière-client.
Karen, in elaborating on the relevance of attachment in childhood, reports on studies demonstrating that 'social policy and social interventions can make a society more humane and give parents a better chance to raise secure children' ...