This user-friendly handbook is a succinct clinical reference derived from the author's reference book, A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, Sixth Edition. Designed with the practicing nurse and nursing student in mind, this portable-trim size book contains an alphabetical listing of common lab and diagnostic tests, and nursing diagnoses and interventions in a consistent format. Focus is on the nurse's role in performing, evaluating, or assisting with lab and diagnostic tests. Practical nursing care information is also presented. Clinical Alerts appear throughout to highlight valuable information. Now with more tests! A Brandon-Hill Recommended Title.
This full-color, portable handbook contains an alphabetical listing of common laboratory and diagnostic tests, with nursing interventions, in a consistent format. The focus is on the nurse's role in performing,...
Nurse's Quick Reference to Common Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests
The authors explore and explain the nurse's role in a range of lab and diagnostic tests.--adapted from publisher's description.
Quick Reference to Common Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
Nursing-focused and easy-to-read, this full-color manual delivers all the information you need to understand how tests work, interpret their results, and provide quality patient care—pre-test, intra-test, and post-test.
A Davis's Notes book.
· This complete lab book contains the latest information on testing organized alphabetically for quick reference. · It has student-friendly features that provide great information for practicing nurses. · "Significance...
Student-friendly design: presents core content in an easy-to-understand approach Focus on key basic content Outstanding pedagogical tools: including boxes, tables, photos, illustrations, figures, learning outcomes and key terms help engage ...
Rely on this quick reference tool for competently explaining, preparing, and caring for patients before, during, and after commons lab and diagnostic testing.
Plus, all related tests are cross-referenced throughout the book to simplify lookup. A compact size, durable cover, and A-to-Z thumb tabs make this market-leading book ideal for everyday use in the classroom and on the job!