Providing the rapid-fire question-and-answer format of the bestselling Recall Series for medical students, "Medical-Surgical Nursing Recall" provides a quick review of medical-surgical nursing, including pharmacology, physical assessment, and pathophysiology. Includes an appendix of over 200 NCLEX-style questions.
The book includes survival tactics and tips for success on the boards and wards as well as key information for those new to the surgical suite.
The book is written in rapid-fire question-and-answer format and contains detailed illustrations of anatomic landmarks and surgical techniques. This edition has seven new Microvignettes chapters that test recall via sample cases.
Surgical Recall
This books uses the nursing process to provide a unifying framework for the material. Within this framework the book emphasizes understanding, critical thinking, and application.
The eighth edition--now in full color--distills the content even further to give you exactly what you need: survival tactics and tips for success, key information for those new to the surgical suite, and expanded opportunities for self ...
The perfect companion to Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing, 10th Edition, this handy workbook helps students review and apply essential content from the textbook.
Content within this review module is provided in a key point plus rationale format in order to focus recall and application of relevant content.
The updated 13th Edition combines clear writing, dynamic photographs and illustrations, engaging study tools, and robust online resources to equip students with the confidence and understanding for superior clinical success in a changing ...
Written in a unique, two-column format, this review book can be used either for in-depth study or a quick review.
TO THE STUDENT Welcome to the eighth edition of the Study Guide for Medical-Surgical Nursing. This Study Guide is a companion to the textbook Medical-Surgical Nursing by Adrianne Dill Linton and Mary Ann Matteson and is designed to help ...