Grundlæggende lærebog om CT og MRI og disses anvendelse iforbindelse med undersøgelser af kroppens organer. Først beskrives principperne bag CT-teknik og MRI, og derefter gennemgåes undersøgelser af kroppens organer systematisk. Bogen beskriver både normale og abnorme fund med tekst og billeder og giver instruktioner i, hvorledes man optimerer billedkvalitet, -analyse, og -fortolkninger, samt undgår de mest almindelige fejlfortolkninger.
Greater emphasis is also placed on CT/MRI correlations. More than 3,700 illustrations, almost all new to this edition, complement the text. Computed Body Tomography with MRI Correlation, Third Edition is also available on CD-ROM.
Coakley FV, Hricak H, Wefer AE, et al: Brachytherapy for prostate cancer: Endorectal MR imaging of local treatment-related changes. Radiology 219:817-821, 2001. Costouros NG, Coakley FV, Westphalen AC, et al: Diagnosis of prostate ...
Von Roenn JH , Armstrong D , Kotler D , Cohn DL , Klimas NG , Tchekmedyian NS , Cone L , Brennan PJ , Weitzman SA . Megestrol acetate in patients ... Wang ZM , Visser M , Ma R , Baumgartner RN , Kotler DP , Gallagher D , Heymsfield SB .
The Handbook is aimed at all cardiovascular CT users (Cardiologists, Radiologists and Radiographers), particularly those new to cardiovascular CT, although even the advanced user should find useful tips and tricks within.
The authors guide the reader through clinical indications, technical guidelines, and normal anatomy followed by information on degenerative diseases, inflammatory conditions, traumatic injuries, tumors, and various other musculoskeletal ...
Brenner O, Wakshlag JJ, Summers BA, de Lahunta A. Alaskan Husky encephalopathy–a canine neurodegenerative disorder resembling subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy (Leigh syndrome). Acta Neuropathol. 2000;100:50–62.
Computed Body Tomography
Guidance is offered on diagnostic protocols, and the value of different imaging modalities in different situations is explained. Helpful management tips are also provided.
This open access book gives a complete and comprehensive introduction to the fields of medical imaging systems, as designed for a broad range of applications.
Sectional Anatomy by MRI/CT