Thoroughly updated for 2004, this manual is the definitive guide to the care of HIV-infected patients, written by Dr. John Bartlett, a world-renowned expert. The book reflects the most up-to-date policies and recommendations of the AIDS Care Program at Johns Hopkins Hospital and includes current treatment guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services and the International AIDS Society. This edition presents three favored antiretroviral treatment regimens and the preferred regimen for PI-based HAART therapy. New tables contrast U.S. government and International AIDS Society treatment guidelines with Dr. Bartlett's own expert preferences.
This practical, easy-to-use guide is a staple in health care facilities that treat adolescents, is widely used for board preparation, and is recommended by the American College of Physicians for their internal medicine library.
This edition updates the 2013 consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs following an extensive review of evidence and consultations in mid-2015, shared at the end of 2015, and now published in full in 2016.
2005-2006 Medical Management of HIV Infection
Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Treatment guidelines
Better data are needed to help shape efforts, especially on the groups of people currently underdiagnosed and undertreated, and the IOM encourages federal and state agencies and private organizations to accelerate the collection of data on ...
At a time when society is demanding accountability from the medical education system and residency review committees are demanding written curricula, this book offers a practical, yet theoretically sound, approach to curriculum development ...
This book will be of interest to those looking to learn more about the enormous public health burden of sleep disorders and sleep deprivation and the strikingly limited capacity of the health care enterprise to identify and treat the ...
The book also goes beyond preoperative PBM, with detailed accounts of coagulation disorder management and the administration of coagulation products and platelet concentrates.
The Handbook of Health Social Work provides a comprehensive and evidence-based overview of contemporary social work practice in health care.
The WHO global health sector strategy on sexually transmitted infections, 2016–2021, endorsed by the World Health Assembly in 2016, aims to eliminate STIs as a public health threat by 2030.