The best-selling textbook of medical-surgical nursing is now in its Eleventh Edition—with updated content throughout and enhanced, state-of-the-art ancillaries. Highlights include a stronger focus on health promotion, more extensive coverage of patients with chronic illness and disabilities, a Watch and Learn feature linked to audiovisuals on the free bound-in CD-ROM, and Evidence-Based Practice questions in each chapter linked to journal articles on the book's companion Website. A new, more engaging design features photographs of nurses interacting with patients.
This edition's thoroughly revamped CD-ROM includes over 3,500 NCLEX®-style questions and numerous three-dimensional animations that demonstrate disease processes. The companion Website at includes over 99 free journal articles.
This concise clinical companion to the thirteenth edition of Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing presents nearly 200 diseases and disorders in alphabetical format, allowing rapid access to need-to-know information on ...
This edition's enhanced ancillaries include online case studies, over 6,000 NCLEX®-style review questions, and numerous three-dimensional animations of key concepts in anatomy and physiology and pathophysiology.
The content is completely cross-referenced to the main text. Pages are tabbed alphabetically for speedy reference.
An Answer Key is included at the end of the book.
Drug or Alcohol Use Ingesting even moderate amounts of alcohol prior to surgery can weaken a patient's immune system and increase the likelihood of developing postoperative complications (Rubinsky, Bishop, Maynard, et al., 2013).
The perfect companion to Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, this exemplary study tool helps you better understand the concepts, techniques, and disease processes detailed in the textbook.
Updated to reflect the latest textbook material, this Study Guide provides everything students need to assess their understanding and practice applying their knowledge, preparing them for success in your class, on the NCLEX® exam, and in ...
Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-surgical Nursing
Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-surgical Nursing: North
Brunner is known for its strong Nursing Process focus and its readability. This edition retains these strengths and incorporates enhanced visual appeal and better portability for students.