Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The "Bible on Anesthesia Equipment" returns in a new Fifth Edition, and once again takes readers step-by-step through all the basic anesthesia equipment. This absolute leader in the field includes comprehensive references and detailed discussions on the scientific fundamentals of anesthesia equipment, its design, and its optimal use. This thoroughly updated edition includes new information on suction devices, the magnetic resonance imaging environment, temperature monitoring and control, double-lumen tubes, emergency room airway equipment, and many other topics. Readers will have access to the fully searchable online text and an interactive quiz bank at a companion Website.
Understanding anesthesia equipment: construction, care, and complications
Morris RW, Buschman A, Warren DL, Philip JH, Reamer DB: The prevalence of hypoxemia detected by pulse oximetry during ... Taylor G, Larson CP Jr, Prestwich R: Unexpected cardiac arrest during anesthesia and surgery: an environmental ...
CLINICAL MOMENTThe probe should not be on the index finger during recovery. An awakening patient often will want to rub his or her eye, usually with the index finger. If the oximeter probe is on that finger, the cornea can be scratched.
Written in an enjoyable, conversational style, this unique text makes technical details easy to understand and remember.
Practical guide to equipment and procedures used in anaesthesia. Includes DVD-ROM demonstrating techniques.
Electronic sensors of pressure have largely superseded the aneroid gauge. Electronic. methods. Solid-state electronic pressure transducers Electronic pressure gauges (transducers) are now the commonest method for the measurement of ...
An invaluable resource for all those who work with anaesthetic equipment, including anaesthetists studying for the FRCA examinations, nurses and operating department practitioners, this new edition has been completely updated to reflect ...
This new edition presents practising and trainee anaesthesiologists with the latest advances and guidelines in their field.
The book helps clinicians to understand their equipment's functionality and to solve problems encountered in daily practice.
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides gives all of the outlines, highlights, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanies: 9780136015314.