Pediatric Neurology for the Oral Boards: A Case-Based Review is the first pediatric neurology review book written specifically for neurology residents preparing for the oral boards. The book presents sixty cases with discussions structured according to the neurology oral boards format: localization of neurologic findings; differential diagnosis and most likely diagnosis; diagnostic workup; and patient management. The cases will help readers lay a foundation of knowledge in pediatric neurology and develop an organized approach to clinical decision-making. An introduction explains in detail what to expect on the examination and gives helpful hints on preparing for and taking the exam.
... University of Melbourne, Melbourne; Paediatric Neurologist, Austin Health, Heidelberg; Paediatric Neurologist, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Victoria, Australia Genetics of Epilepsy Mark S. Scher, MD Professor of Pediatrics, ...
" Pediatric Neurology serves the need for a quick reference tool to address these perplexing pediatric neurological symptoms and disorders.
Neuromuscular disorders of infancy , childhood , and adolescence : a clinician's approach . Philadelphia ( PA ) : Butterworth Heinemann ; 2003 . Drachman D. Myasthenia gravis . New Engl J Med 1994 ; 330 : 1797-810 .
A Color Handbook James F Bale Jr, Joshua L Bonkowsky, Francis M Filloux, Gary L Hedlund, Paul D Larsen, Denise C. Morita ... Xanthochromia can also be observed when the serum bilirubin exceeds 15 mg/dl (256.5 μmol/l) and in infants or ...
Chin RF, Neville BG, Peckham C,et al. Incidence, cause, and shortterm outcomeofconvulsive status epilepticus in childhood: prospectivepopulationbased study. Lancet. 2006;368(9531):222–229. 34. KramerU,ChiCS,Lin KL, et al.
This practical book features more than 1000 questions and answers with illustrations for pediatric neurologists, adult neurologists, general pediatricians and students taking their initial board examination and maintenance of certification.
Hypsarrhythmia assessment exhibits poor interrater reliability: a threat to clinical trial validity. ... Safety and effectiveness of hormonal treatment versus hormonal treatment with vigabatrin for infantile spasms (ICISS): a randomised ...
Much of this is at an early stage and pediatric neurology is still a young and fast developing specialty.
Part of the House Officer Series, Weiner & Levitt's Pediatric Neurology, Fourth Edition has been extensively reorganized, thoroughly updated, and includes many algorithms and tables.
Factors that have been associated with a higher incidence of medulloblastoma in some, but not all, studies include maternal farm residence during pregnancy and pesticide exposure [Connelly and Malkin, 2007; Norman et al., 1996; ...