Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care

Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care
Fundamentals of Nursing
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Carol Taylor, Carol R. Taylor


A comprehensive, introductory textbook, Fundamentals of Nursing presents basic professional concepts, clinical concepts, and clinical skills with step-by-step illustrated procedures. The text's striking, full-color visual material holds students' interest, and the clear, readable writing style enhances understanding. Throughout, it takes a holistic approach toward nursing care by consistently emphasizing four types of "blended skills" of nursing that students must master: technical, cognitive, ethical/legal, and interpersonal. Special features include: Promoting Health displays; Applying Learning to Practice exercises; Through the Eyes of a Student/Patient/Family Caregiver; and Thinking Critically displays. New to the Fourth Edition are the chapters Wound Care and Blended Skills and Critical Thinking Throughout the Nursing Process, and updated content on timely topics, such as latex allergies, needleless systems, conscious sedation, pain, and more. Detailed procedure guidelines now include home care and lifespan considerations.

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